The step-by-step training for growing your insurance agency

Tailored lessons that will help grow your business and make you an expert in maximizing your time and joy as an agency owner.

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Nice to meet you. I’m Matt Dietz

Working together to achieve your goals and understand the marketing world and PPC. You will have complete guidance and support from me throughout all processes.

I have always loved the marketing world, and I’m really passionate about PPC. Benefit from my vast experience and knowledge.

Learn from previous students & hear what they say about AgencyLaunch courses

“John came at the right time. I wanted to start promoting my business, and he led me directly to success.”
Wayne R.
“I learned so much in this course and can now start building PPC campaigns easily.”
John S.
“Stop looking for another course. John's one-on-one course is the best on the market.”
Helen B.
“Very informative course! And the best thing was that I learned it online from the comfort of my home.”
Nancy P.
“I have a small business, and I want new clients. This PPC course taught me how to do this.”
Darlene M.
“The course was tailored just for me. John scheduled a perfect plan and I learned PPC in no time.”
Brian L.

The gap in your training closes here

© copyright AgencyLaunch 2021

Delegation Task Ideas (List)

Here's a list of tasks to consider delegating to your team:

  1. Bank deposits
  2. Checking voice mail
  3. Checking staff email
  4. Loading up new emails into automated email campaigns (new business or new claims)
  5. Sending out binders as needed
  6. Following up on office texts
  7. Converting policies
  8. Taking payments
  9. Assisting clients with filing claims
  10. Calling service centers to find out information for you
  11. Canceling policies 
  12. Canceling policies from other agencies and confirming receipt of cancellation
  13. Quoting business for you to sell
  14. Documenting all conversations inside your customer management system
  15. Offering reviews to all clients who call in and scheduling for you
  16. Assisting you with any cross-sell marketing campaigns you are running.  Example- sending out email (or mail) in regards to umbrella or life policies.